I finished the Wendy Johnson socks..Heart to Heart socks in the red. Now I am working on the Diamonds and Cables Socks in a purple Knit Picks Gloss as seen on the right. I am very much enjoying these patterns and will no doubt do more from this book. I will say the only thing I truly dislike is Short-Row heels...ick..but practice makes perfect.
Tatting, I finally sewed on the edging to the hanky that DD gave me. I currently have allowed it to live under a glass (EAPG) bowl made by my GrandFathers old place of employ. It really looks nice there for now. The old antique bowl with a vintage hanky. What could be better?
This month I will be working on hearts from
Ruffled Heart Pattern Vicki Clarke
Tat's Amore, Martha Ess scroll down the page
Tatting Hearts, Teri Dusenbury this is an Amazon site.
Spinning, I reviewed
Drafting: The Long and Short of It, Abby Franqemont Interweave site
Next "cast I will review
How I Spin, Rita Buchanan also at Interweave
Until then....Enjoy!