The first picture is my frogged Luna Moth shawl Some might not be able to access this picture but it is really gorgeous so I am going to try it again in a solid color. The strong variegate was too much for it. Sooooooo ...I think I am going to do the Juno Regina stole.
I sent out my doilies to my partners about a week or so ago so can post them here now. The top one is Stella Albina, and the lower (orange) is Margerite. Both are from Iris's book Tatting Fantasia. I think the boo boo in the lower left of Margerite is a blocking issue I did not notice until I posted these pics. If not....Sorry!! LOL!! I hear Iris has another book to send to the publisher...waiting with great anticipation for this! If it is all jewelry, I will just buy to have it because I have not started doing jewelry yet...this might inspire though right!! I have a ton of beads I should be doing something with rights guys!!
A new episode of Arlene Tats and Knits should pop up here in a day or so. It is already up, and on iTunes! Enjoy and comment if you want!