Friday, December 10, 2010

Taping tomorrow...BUT....A winner has been drawn....drum rolls!! To be announced with the podcast going up this weekend!

Well!  I put most of my message in the title for heaven's sake..!!
I had my DD draw a name tonight and the winners are......not so fast!!!  You will have to wait until the podcast goes up!!  It looks like they might both be tatters but if not the deal is the same...I will post the winner's here and in the podcast...drop me an email at and I will ship your package.  You may choose either a tatting prize or a knitting one...your choice so if you do both you'll have to ponder!

On the shuttles are snowflakes, snowflakes and more snowflakes (pictured prev episode).  I have a new pair of scissors from bought for my birthday...Ok, so I love scissors!! Note the paw paw trying to get them while Lucky sits on the ironing board. A second later they you would have seen them on the floor!

On the needles:  Christmas presents I can't talk about but might podcast...Don't listen girls.  I gave a vanilla pair I am going to start tomorrow for grandson..his request was white with one blue stripe and one orange one.  Huh?

Spinning:  This is finally that darned Lady doing somethin or another with the damned stone...also known as
The Woman and the Stone from Crown Mountain Farms.  It is not as I thought it would be but I do like it.  I am doing a scarf...not sure I will continue with this pattern but I might.  Until later....Arlene!!

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